AIR I never wanna hear again 歌詞

Usual tone of voice

AIR Usual tone of voice專輯

8.I never wanna hear again


Funny, 笑わせるな なにがOpinionだ
Funny, Why do you think you are?
何もしないYou Bastard !

Come on, Good for nothing.
Come on, I'm standing here.

何ふざけてんだ なにも知らないのに
何わめいてんだ 無能なPretender

Come on, I'm waiting for you.
Come on, You're underdog.

I never wanna hear again.

Come on, Good for nothing.
Come on, I'm standing here.
Come on, I'm waiting for you.
Come on, You're underdog.

Come on, You're underdog.
Come on, I'm standing here.
I never wanna hear again.